This blog is dedicated to my family and the 25 years that I have had the pleasure of being a part of it...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

This picture was taken in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. "El Parque de las Palomas." I will be taking Steven there in September when we go up for Adriana's birthday (my niece.)

This picture was taken during Christmas of 1995. This boy had sent these teddy bears for me as a present. He'd been in Ohio for some six months and we talked long distance every day (my mom paid the bills) and we broke up two weeks after he came back. At least I kept the teddy bears.

Me at three years old. Steven says that I am trying not to show my dimple when I smile.

Francisco and I as babies. Look at the little baby rolls in my thighs.

This picture was taken in Rincón, Puerto Rico outside of Villa Cofresí. That night I met a white boy from Long Island. I've always had a soft spot for blond hair blue eyed boys.

Mom and Dad. Back in the day...
José posing for his First Communion picture. Check out his fake smile!

My mom, making sure she works it. This photo was taken during my graduation from respiratory school.

This is a photo of Junito's first haircut. He is now 18 years old and going to the Marines where he will be sitting in a chair much like this one many a times...

This is a picture of our deceased dog, Rocky. He was the awesomest dog ever... We miss him. There is even an entry on my journal about the day of his death.

Me, graduating from respiratory school in 2002

Me in Chicago

This picture was taken when I was forced to vacation in Chicago, Illinois during the summer of 1997. I hated every second of it because my volleyball team had entered the semi finals just as the vacation was scheduled to start. I got back just in time to find out that the team had lost.


My brothers, Junito and Jose in 2002

My parents when they were in love. What a waste!!!
My grandmother and Junito celebrating one of his birthdays.
Me as a baby girl.
The teenager me. How sad do I look?


Junito was wearing my cap and gown from my graduation from respiratory school, St. Augustine College, Chicago, Illinois...
Junito was a little thing wasn't he? He was so thin because he wouldn't eat meat AT ALL!!!
This picture was taken at a photo studio in Aguada, PR.
This picture was taken in 2002. He is in the Junior ROTC. Now he is going to the Marines in August 2005.

Pretty in pink

This picture was taken when I was in Kindergarden. Don't I look pretty? I think grandma made this dress for me. I'm a little pudgy aren't I? I think I was a flower girl for someone's wedding or something. I can't remember.

This is my older brother Francisco. He was smiling. Isn't he the cutest? He was probably thinking: "I just took a turd!"

Me and Francisco as babies, and then as kids.

This picture was taken in Puerto Rico a long long time ago. From left to right we have my older brother Francisco, then we have Che; he was Lyan Carrasquillo's boyfriend and now husband. Lyan Carrasquillo is the one in the white wife beater. Yaritza Rios is the one behind Lyann with her elbows on the table. BAD MANNERS!!! She is now long gone. I have never heard from her since I left Puerto Rico.

The picture on the left was taken by a professional in the IT Photo studio in Aguadilla Puerto Rico at the time. Everybody had their graduation photos taken there. I have other poses, I will post them soon. The picture on the right was taken on my prom night. The $300.00 dress I am modeling in this picture was actually a gift from my mother's old boss who used to (conveniently) own a fashion boutique as well.

Pictures of Francisco, Junito, Jose and I.

This is a picture of Francisco, my older brother, taken when he was like two or three years old. How funny, now he has a daughter.
This was a picture of me when I was like 3 years of age.
Francisco's kindergarden graduation...
This picture was taken Christmas 2001. Notice how Junito and Jose are still kids. I was fatter then as you can see. Francisco never changes.

My brother has no idea how to hold me. Look how fat I look...

These are all old pictures of grandma. Back in the day...

Look at my grandmother. She must have been around 50 when this picture was taken. She has always had the prettiest smile. She is now 87 years of age.
This picture was taken in Chicago, Illinois. I think she was a little cold. What do you think? This picture was taken during a Thanksgiving dinner at mom's house in Leesburg, FL. She hadn't gotten sick yet. She never leaves the house without lipstick and her jewelry. How cute!
To be truthful, I have no idea who she is holding.

This picture was taken back in like 1992. She went in a cruise with some friends of hers. This picture in particular was taken in Venezuela. She had lots of fun and brought us back presents!